My services
I offer home birth midwifery services for healthy, low-risk mothers who are looking for something outside of the conventional medical model of obstetrics.
My services include complete prenatal care, childbirth classes, home birth, water birth, postpartum and newborn care.

Prenatal Care

Prenatal care is offered at my office once a month until 32 weeks, then every two weeks until 36 weeks, and then every week until birth. I do a "home visit," where I come to your house for one prenatal at about 37 weeks to bring your birth kit, see the birth environment, go over your plans for the birth and make sure I know how to get to your house.

Your prenatal visits will have plenty of time for conversations, questions, and teaching. (Essentials for building a relationship of trust and support.) Your prenatal care will include routine prenatal checkups, emotional support, personalized nutritional and fitness recommendations, plus optional labs or screening tests. You are welcome to bring your other children with you to prenatal visits. We have toys!

Labor and Birth at home

My assistant and I will come to your home when you think you are in labor and want us to be there. If you’re in active labor we stay until the baby is born and at least two hours postpartum, or until you and the baby are stable.

During your labor, we'll be assessing and monitoring the baby's heart tones and the mother's vitals to assure labor is progressing safely. We are there to quietly attend and support you with comfort measures as needed or wanted. We do bring emergency equipment such as oxygen and antihemorrhagic medications to every birth. If an emergency should arise, we will intervene as needed. If a transfer is required at any time during the birth or immediately after, I will go with you to the hospital and stay with you to offer support.

Water birth

Water birth (or hydrotherapy) can be a wonderful option for moms! I will happily support you if you choose hydrotherapy for your labor and or birth. I've attended water births since 2005 and birthed five of my own children in the water. The birthing tub has been chosen by mothers mostly for pain relief, relaxation, ease of movement, and a gentler transition for the baby during birth. Ask about the potential benefits and risks of water birth to see if it's a good fit for you.

If you choose water immersion during labor or plan to birth in the tub, I can walk you through the proper tub setup during your home visit.

Postpartum care and NFP

After birth we keep an eye on you and the baby, making sure everything is normal and only intervening if you need it. I believe strongly in skin-to-skin contact and "the golden hour" after birth. It’s your bonding time, and we do everything we can to encourage and protect that time for you and your family.

Beyond the immediate postpartum, we will come to your house to check on you and the baby between day 1 and 2, and again between day 3 and 5 to make sure you are getting what you and the baby need. We will stay in contact by phone and schedule more visits if needed. At 2 weeks and 4-6 weeks I'll see you and the baby at my office for your last postpartum visits.

I love Natural Family Planning (NFP) and have used it successfully for the past 19 years. We can discuss any family planning questions you might have prenatally and postpartum. I cannot prescribe any hormonal contraceptives, but feel free to ask about the latest options for those.

Newborn Care & Lactation

After you’ve had some bonding time and a chance to breastfeed and bask in the golden hour, I'll do the newborn exam. I'll look over your baby thoroughly with the baby right next to you.

At all postpartum visits, we will check on the baby's weight, feeding, vital signs and well being.

Breastfeeding is an intimate bond between a mother and her baby, but can sometimes be a struggle. It doesn't always come naturally as every baby is different. I will do my best to help you navigate your breastfeeding journey with your baby. If you need more extensive breastfeeding help I can refer you to a Lactation Specialist.

Childbirth classes

I offer natural childbirth classes to help prepare you and your family for your birth experience and the arrival of your new baby. During these classes, you'll learn more about pregnancy nutrition and how it affects your growing baby and your future grandchildren. I will teach you exercises and healthy habits to keep your body flexible and aligned for your baby to make its way into the best possible position for birth. I will explain the normal labor and birth process, and empower you to take responsibility for your birth. You'll be prepared for your newborn, ready for their needs and in-tune with your intuitive instincts. You'll also learn about the "fourth trimester," postpartum care and healing for the mom. I highly recommend classes if you've never had a home birth or a natural birth.

What I believe

I love what I do. Honoring mothers as they experience the miraculous event of birth is a beautiful privilege. My passion is to provide competent, compassionate care and to create an environment of belief, support, and safety for you and your new baby.

"I felt strong and confident during my labor at home knowing that I would birth my baby into this world assisted by the most capable of midwives."
Kay V.

Frequently asked questions


What areas do I serve?


What are your fees?


What services are included in your fees?


Do you offer any fee discounts?


What is not included in your fee?


What is your refund policy?


What is the difference between a doula and a midwife?

Enjoy the Benefits and Comfort of Staying Home!

I would love to help you with your home birth journey! Consultations are free. Please feel free to contact me to set up a consultation visit where we can chat about your dreams and ideas for your birth and talk more about the midwifery care I offer.
Let's connect!